Mizuko Kaji

Atelier MIZUKO KAJI is doing architecture / space / shape / costume/ theatrical design by applying integrated experiences of architecture, fashion and theater.


Architectural design, space/interior design, set and costume design, theatrical design, textile design, interior and furniture design with fabrics, etc.


2020- Research Associate at Hosei University Faculty of Engineering and Design Department of Architecture

2018-2020 Design Assistant at Yokohama Graduate School of Architecture

2018 Part-time lecture at Hosei University Faculty of Engineering and Design Department of Architecture 

2017- President of Atelier MIZUKO KAJI          

2016-2017 Freelance Costume Designer, New York, U.S.A

2006-2014 Architect in Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa / SANAA, Tokyo, Japan


Graduated from Bunka Fashion College, Tokyo, Japan

Master of Engineering in Architecture, Hosei University Graduate School, Tokyo, Japan

Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan


First class architect license in Japan