Gustav Mahler’s Fourth Symphony & Martin Bresnick

While a full orchestra usually performs Mahler’s most popular symphony, Erwin Stein helped bring it to life for chamber orchestra in this unique arrangement. We were thrilled about the opportunity to collaborate to perform this masterpiece with Le Train Bleu, and conductor Ransom Wilson. ⁠

Mahler 4th Symphony

Society for Ethical Culture, Manhattan, New York

Martin Bresnick

My Twentieth Century

Gustav Mahler

4th Symphony arr. Erwin Stein

I. Bedächtig, nicht eilen

II. In gemächlicher Bewegung, ohne Hast

III. Ruhevoll, poco adagio

IV. Wir geniessen die Himmlischen Freuden. Sehr behaglich


Mélanie Clapiès, violin

Julia Yang, cello

Josefina Urraca, piano