Classical commissioning program (2023/2024)

Classical commissioning program (2023/2024)

Deadline: July 15th, 2023

Entry Fee: Free

Open to: All composers without restrictions.

CreArtBox is now accepting proposals for its annual Classical Commission program.

Each season, CreArtBox selects one or more composers, who are commissioned to create a piece to be premiered by the group.


1. Composer can be of any age, nationality, or point in their career working in any style.


1. Cover letter with name, address, email, phone number, website (if possible) and brief biography (approximately 250 words) in .pdf format.

2. Written proposal for new work addressing how it will fit with the organization’s mission as stated above while contributing new ideas for a mixed chamber ensembles in .pdf format. Please include your intended instrumentation chosen from those listed below. A brief sketch of musical materials may be included but is not required.

3. Two sample .pdfs of recent works. Preference is for small ensemble works. Sound samples or realizations of the works submitted are also encouraged but not required.

4. Please use .pdf for submitted cover letter, proposal, and score samples and .mp3 for sound files. Permanent, direct links (e.g. personal website, dropbox, google drive, issuu, soundcloud) to score samples and audio are acceptable and encouraged. If providing a link, ensure that sharing settings are viewable to anyone with the link.

5. Submit all materials electronically to by July 15th, 2023, 11:59 p.m. EST.

6. There is no fee to submit materials.


1. A panel of the CreArtBox, including artistic director, managing director, and representative voices from organization will review the materials.

2. A shortlist of finalists will be compiled and additional materials may be requested.

3. Shortly after July 15th, 2023, the committee will select and contract one composer with which to collaborate on the new chamber piece.

4. The new work and parts must be completed by January 1, 2024.

5. CreArtBox will provide the composer with a composer fee according to the length of the piece, complexion and instrumentation's that will be discussed with the selected composer.

6. CreArtBox intends to rehearse and perform the work in Spring 2024. The composer is encouraged to attend rehearsals and the performance, but is not required. 

Our Mission 

CreArtBox creates and produces live art performances, fusing classical and contemporary music with original ideas encouraged by multidisciplinary interaction. Our programs are designed to support professional artists, encourage the creation of new meaningful work, make world-class performances accessible to everyone regardless of background or economic circumstance, inspire and educate future generations, revitalize local communities, and nurture new ways of human expression.
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